Oh how we misa you!
Thank you Dianne White~Mr Nicky's Mom
Everyday is a new day, but some things remain unchanged...
the fact that you are loved and missed always.♥
This Memorial website was
created in the memory of our beloved son and brother Bobby J. Outlaw II. B.J. was born on May 17, 1984 in Ft.Worth Texas. He passed away on Dec. 1, 2003 in Waco Texas at the young age of 19 yrs. He still lived at home with his family in Goldthwaite Texas when Jesus called him to his new home in Heaven.
We will love, miss and remember him always.
B.J. was the best son, brother and friend that anyone could ever ask for. He was loved by everyone that knew him and he brought such joy to us all.
B.J. has three sisters. Amanda is his older sister by one year, Kayla is three years younger than him, and then his youngest sister is Sarah who is nine years younger than him. B.J. has three little brothers, Wayne and Buck (twins) with him in Heaven, and his youngest brother is Johnathan who is seventeen years younger than B.J. "Uncle B.J." has two nephews, one name Elijah born to Amanda on September 2, 2006 that he never got the chance to meet in this lifetime and the other is little Ian born to his sister Kayla on July 31, 2009 and since then Kayla blessed him with a niece name Lily born on September 21, 2012.
Then there is his Mama & Daddy that loves him more than life itself and misses him more than words can express. Our hearts will forever be broken since the Lord called B.J. home. He lived his life here for the Lord and now he will live his Eternal life with the Lord.
B.J. is sharing this memory site with his two baby brothers Billy "Wayne" Outlaw and Charles "Buck" Outlaw that were born 3 1/2 months too early on Jan. 26, 1986 and did not survive. Though we did not get to know them like we wanted to, they have always been and will always be very much a part of our lives. We will love and miss them forever. How we long for the day that we get to hold them in our arms for the very first time.
Until we do, big brother B.J. is helping Jesus take good care of them for us. We know they are getting the best of care.
I was looking up at the stars and giving them each a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
Billy "Wayne" Outlaw
B-is for Beautiful little one.
I-is for Innocent.
L-is for the Love his Mama has for him.
L-is for his Life that ended much too soon..
Y-is for the Yearning I have in my heart for him.
W-is for the Wonderful little man I know he is.
A-is for Always in my heart.
Y-is for his Yummy little kisses I wish I could have gotten.
N-is for Never ever forgotten.
E-is for Everything I've had to miss out on.
Completeness of a life is not measured in length only, it is measured in the deeds and commitments that give a life purpose.
Your life held much purpose B.J. You may not have changed the world...but you sure changed the world for me.
Love, Mama
B.J. loved Dr Pepper, he always had one and if for some reason he didn't you could be sure he was on his way for one.
How you loved your Dr Pepper!
I have lost count at all the times we watched the sunset. We used to go up to the roadside park out by Lometa and watch the sun go down. We used to joke about being able to fly into the sky as the sun was going down. Just a couple of Kids wanting to be
On the days when it just gets too lonely I think about meeting you at heavens shores. I'm sure when we all get to heaven you will want a raft to float out in the water, and you'll probably fall asleep doing it like you used to.
Buddy I never dreamed that we would have to set you free but that time came and it was the hardest thing we could have ever done.
Oh B.J. I set here and think of all the times we had and all the memories that we made and yet I still wish and long for more of them. If we were to see you now it wouldn't be soon enough, we miss you so much.
We sure were some silly little kids weren't we! We had and still have such a close bond and I know it can never be lost and one day, when God calls us all home, we will be just as silly and loving as ever.
Mama | Happy New Year 1/1/2025 | January 1, 2025 |
Mama | Christmas 12/24/2024 | December 24, 2024 |
Mama | 21 years 12/1/2024 | December 1, 2024 |
Mama | Thanksgiving 11/28/2024 | November 28, 2024 |
Mama | Johnathan’s 23rd Birthday 11/22/2024 | November 22, 2024 |
The Carroll Family | Hugs! | January 25, 2017 |
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum | Thinking of our Angels on Valentine's Day | February 11, 2015 |
Valentine’s Day in Heaven,
A spectacular site to see.
Angels spreading Heavenly love,
As quickly as can be.
All the love we send to them,
Up in Heaven above.
Is gathered all together
And released on this day of love.
(c) 2013 vickihansen.wordpress.com/