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Bette Clark Happy Mother's Day May 5, 2011
Colleen Carroll Hugs! May 5, 2011
Cathy Giraud FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS April 23, 2011
Noah Morell's Mommy Happy Easter April 23, 2011

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Easter Blessings! April 23, 2011
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Wishing you a Blessed Easter April 21, 2011

~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana~ ~THINKING of YOU ALL~ AND.... April 21, 2011
CINDI dana regans mom from our angels to you mama Cindy March 28, 2011
BJ, Buck and Wayne and Dana  I am sending this to your Mama and to my Wonderful friend from  all of you and me ...Cindy tihis is for you from our angels and me...Thank you so much for always making  me smile<3

Cynthia Regan thank you so much<3 hugs BJ Wayne Buck March 12, 2011
Cindy there is nothing I can say that you wouldnt understand so from the bottom of my hearts i want to thank you for all your support and love...i no over that rainbow all our children wait for us....!!!
cindi dana regans mom Stay close by us Buck Wayne and BJ!! February 28, 2011
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FROM ANGEL PATRICK February 15, 2011
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana~ THINKING of YOU and........ February 13, 2011
Noah Morell's Mommy Happy Valentine's Day February 12, 2011



Aunt Jo to Leah Avril Sending Love to Heaven! February 10, 2011

Bette Timmy's mom Happy Valentine's Day February 4, 2011

Reaching out to touch the heavens, may you feel the warm embraces, may you feel the love, and always know how much you are loved and forever missed.



Judy~Mom~Curtis Dawson "Happy Heavenly Birthday Angels" January 27, 2011


So very sorry I missed your *Heavenly Birthday* boys, I hope you have a glorious celebration in Heaven...

Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Happy Heavenly Birthday ~Wayne & Buck~ January 25, 2011



Wayne and Buck sending birthday hugs to you in Heaven above Angels. Cindy my heart is with you today and always my friend.  God Bless and I wish you peace and comfort in knowing we will see our sons again one day.  Hugs and love to you and your family.  ((((Cindy)))

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Hugs Wayne & Buck January 25, 2011

Wayne & Buck, take  your brother BJ by the hand & stop by to visit your parents, wrap your arms around them & let them feel your love.  They love & miss you so much.  Sending hugs & prayers to you all.  God Bless!

Bette Timmy's mom Thank You January 25, 2011

Thank you for always lighting candles and graphics for my son Timmy.  We just went through a trial and the two men were found guilty of first degree murder.   I wanted to say thank you as I know I have not been to frequent on lighting candles or doing graphics as I used to, it's just so hard some days.  May God Bless you always and know your angel is always in my heart forever.


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