Spread your wings and Fly.....You are Free!!
Birds handcrafted from the wings of an angel,
water running freely in the streams.
Sunshine shimmers in radiance;
How could so much beauty be an accident?
Each smiling child's face,
full of curiosity,
seeks out wonders and grandeur.
Like a child's eyes,
our hearts are searching for some kind of hint,
a hint of God.
(If you look, Nature's arms will enfold you.)
Stars are whispered into moonlight
as a day well-lived is fading.
The sun is sinking,
the colors streaking brilliantly across the sky
like ribbons.
Do not embrace, rather
be embraced, enfolded, wrapped in the arms
of beauty, of His Creation.
We all search for a framed, definite picture
of Heaven.
I can guarantee, your best bet
is right before your very eyes.