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Lorna Mahan Today I Touched Your Face Again February 5, 2009

Today I Touched Your Face Again

Today I touched your face again and watched you for a while;
I talked of things deep in my heart I wish could make you smile.
I rubbed your head and told you I’m proud you are my son,
for all the little things you did in life and the way you did each one.
You show such courage daily and you teach me how to live,
to make each moment count in life and to give what I can give.
Did I tell you you’re my hero when I saw you yesterday?
Or did it slip my mind again as I put you away?

I know your time on earth was short but it’s how you lived each day,
you made the most of what you had and always found a way
to touch the hearts around you, to love us while you may.
I wish with all my heart right now, the face I touched today,
wasn’t made of paper or neatly placed away.
But I will put you on the shelf again for all the world to see,
I’ll talk to you tomorrow just like I do each day,
And I’ll tell you you’re my hero as I gently walk away.
Mama I'm so sad... February 2, 2009

B.J. I had to make the choice to turn and walk away from some of my friends today. It wasn't easy to do because I care about them but I made a promise to you and Jesus that I would not bring dishonor to either of you and I have to keep my promise...walking away is the only way I can.  Please ask Jesus to bless my friends, He knows who they are and so do you and to help Mama cause my heart is so heavy now. I don't regret keeping my promise...I just hate loosing people that have becomes so special to me. I know you understand. I love you Buddy, I always have and I always will.

Love, Mama

Paul Thomas's daughter Melissa You are not alone January 28, 2009

Cindy, Sometimes the pain of loosing someone you love makes you forget that you are not alone. Thank you so much for lighting a candle on my Dad's site. It brought tears to my eyes to see that other people really do care, And that I am not alone. You and your family are in my thoughts and Prayers may God Bless you all. Melissa Daughter of Angel Paul W. Thomas

When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
all filled with tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
and each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
and said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.

I had so much to live for,
So much left yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.

I thought of all the yesterdays
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
and all the fun we had.

If I could re-live yesterday
Just even for a while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.

But then I fully realized,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
would take the place of me.

And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.

But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne.

He said, "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today your life on earth is past,
But here life starts anew.

I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past.

You have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Though there were times
You did some things
You knew you shouldn't do.

But you have been forgiven
And now at last you're free.
So won't you come and take my hand
And share my life with me?

So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.
Assia mom to wasim Happy Birthday Little angels January 26, 2009

Wishing Two Little angels Happy Birthday today.

Thinking of you today Cindy & lifting you in my

prayers always, I pray the Lord helps you have

a gentle day & gives you the strength you need.

(((Cindy))) HUGS & LOVE from your dear

friend Assia. xxx

Mama I'm sorry January 8, 2009

Buddy I just wanted to come here today and tell you that starting tomorrow Jan.9th this website will be closed until Jan.18th because last memories is changing servers. I promise I'll be back just as soon as I can.

I love you bunches, Mama


"It's the end of another year and so many thoughts go
swirling through our minds.  For many, it has been a
difficult year - job loss, loss of friends, loss of a home,
loss of health, and possibly one of the most lasting
losses of all - the loss of a child.  For some there will
be no celebration at the end of the year - only a lot
of tears for those dreams that were stolen away so
How does a person move on?  How can a person move
into the New Year with joy when so much sorrow
surrounds the heart?  It's not easy, but it helps to
remind yourself often that you are never, ever alone in
your pain.  There are times when we feel alone, but the
truth is that we are surrounded by hope and it is there
for us whenever we call out for help.
Look at nature in any season and be reminded of the
One who is in charge.   Look at the majesty of the
starry sky at night and know that you are counted among
the stars.  Listen to the sounds of the wind rustling through
the trees and hear the whisper of God letting you know He
is by your side.  Look for the rainbow painting the sky
and be assured that you have not been forgotten.  Remind
yourself often that hope is stronger than your pain! "-C. Hinton

"For every tear you cry, there is a seed of hope being watered."

--Clara Hinton

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me."  --Psalm 61:a 

Clara Hinton

Assia mom 2 Wasim Sorry im late December 27, 2008
Mama Life is so hard... October 14, 2008

B.J. life is so hard. How much more is Mama's heart suppose to be able to take? I know you can't answer me but I just need to ask. Today has been so hard. It seems there has been a lot of hard days again lately. Today I was sitting out on the porch steps and I had been crying. I was thinking why keep on? Then I hear Stephanie yelling out to me "I love you Cindy!" B.J. she had perfect timing. I just love her more than she'll ever know. She's proven to be such a good friend. She takes the time to show me she cares. I could never repay her for what she's been for me. I know you must be so proud of her. I know it's because she loved/loves you so much. You were always such a good friend to her...I guess now she's repaying you by being there for me. She asked me to come go for a walk with her and at first I said no because Johnathan was just getting out of the shower but then I decided to go ahead and go with her so I told Johnathan to come and we went. We had just started and Tommi called her and she needed to go home but she told her to wait that she was walking with me. It meant so much to me B.J. And walking with her helped at the time.

But now tonight it's gotten really hard again. When I came out to your grave I felt like such a failure. I can't seem to get life going right and keep it that way Buddy. I don't know what to do. There's nothing I can do. Everything is just so messed up B.J. Mama's so sad and so broken. I feel like I've failed everyone. I would just give up but I don't even know how to do that! I'm sorry Buddy. I do love you. Please always know that. I love you with all I have in me. I always have and I always will even though I know I've made many mistakes. What I would give if you were only still here...

Love, Mama

Loving Family of David Giraud Your words mean more than you know~ September 2, 2008



Dear Cindy,

Thank you for reading about our David~I only wish I could remember in more detail, the many cute, smart and funny things he did growing up, but I can't remember. We had three other boys, not long after David, so with four boys, you can imagine, I was a very busy momma. I loved every single minute of it, even the challenges!! but little by little things are coming back, I sit and look at his pictures, over and over again~trying to force the memories to come out. As they do, I will put them here, not just for me, but for his brothers, his sweet niece, Kara. She is only seven, and she doesn't understand why her uncle David doesn't come around any more. Know that you and your precious family are in my thoughts and prayers, today and everyday. Until that Glorious Day when we will hold them in our arms again!!

Many Hugs to you and yours!!

Cathy ( David's mom )

Deb: Mom to Angel Andrew A Mom who knows June 29, 2008

Hi Cindy,

It's been awhile, but for some reason, I was drawn to BJ's site today. It's just beautiful, and the song...well, it literally gave me goose bumps. I knew every word but can't remember when I heard it last.

Time has a way of easing some of this pain that we know all too well.  Andrew's Angelversary is July 16th...three years since I've seen him, been on the receiving end of one of his huge bear hugs or looked at his beautiful brown eyes. His sisters have adjusted, but they both speak of him as if he is still very much a part of their lives. I like that; it hurts when people avoid mentioning those that we have lost. I know that it's uncomfortable and awkward, but death only removes the person "physically."  They will always live on in our hearts, in memories and through the little signs that we receive.  I was in our pool yesterday, looking up at the clouds and at the very same time, one of the songs that was played at Andrew's funeral, came on the radio. (Josh Groben..."You Raised Me Up." )I kid you not; the cloud slowly formed into a baseball player about to swing a bat and it was Andrew. Five years ago, I would have been forced to tell whomever that they might need to seek professional help if they had told me this same, I just know and it doesn't spook me or scare me..I just know that Andrew is telling me that he's fine.

BJ's fine too and he's there to take care of Wayne and Buck and all of the other "little Angels."  What handsome men BJ and Buck are...the Angel Ladies must be having a fit. LOL

Take care and May God Bless,

Debi Collins

Assia mom to wasim Sweet B.J June 22, 2008

Dear B.J just passed by to say hello sweet angel. Give my love to your little brothers for me...  Continue to Sprinkle your love & hugs on your mama & dad and siblings sweety... Please tell wasim I love him dearly & miss him. Im sorry i don't come to this site often as i tend to visit you at your other site, but thought i would pop by here today also.  Enjoy your time in Heaven with all your angel friends sweet heart. I love you B.J. (((HUGS)))

Cindy i hope your in good health.. well as much as can be hun... i was mortified when i read your letter to B.J. about the man who stopped your daughter for directions,, yet only had evil intentions... Oh Cindy my heart went out to you.. please tell your girls from me to be extra extra carefull.. which im sure you already have a million times... Cindy i agree B.J. protected his sister and i believe that you did also.. with all your hard work, caring for others , helping others in need, the sick, the grieving etc, your prayers.. oh cindy .. God Will protect them for you.. you are such a good person cindy.. (((Cindy)))

Take Care (((HUGS))) Assia xxx

Mama Mr. Hallmark June 19, 2008

Hey Buddy, I thought this was pretty special so I wanted to bring it here.

Love you bunches, Mama

Mr. Hallmark/A Letter From Heaven

I am writing to you from Heaven, and though it must appear,
A rather strange idea, I see everything from here.
I just popped in to visit, your stores to find a card,
A card of Love for my MOM, as this day for her is hard.
There must be some mistake I thought, every card you can imagine,
Except I could not find a card, from a child that lives in Heaven.
She is still my mom, too, no matter where I reside,
I had to leave, she understands, but oh the tears she's cried.
I thought that if I wrote to you, that you would come to know,
That though I live in Heaven now, I still love my Mama so.
She talks with me, and dreams with me, we still share laughter too,
Memories are our way of speaking now, would you see what you can do?
My mom carries me in her heart, her tears she hides from sight,
She brings flowers to my grave, there my living memory dwells,
She writes to other grieving parents, trying to ease their pain as well.
So you see Mr. Hallmark, though I no longer live on earth,
I must find a way, to remind her of her wondrous worth.
She needs to be honored, and be remembered too,
Just as the children of the earth will do.
Thank you Mr. Hallmark, I know you will do your best,
Find a way to tell her, how much she means to me,
Until I can do it for myself, when she joins me in eternity.

Rebecca Jones Sorry for your lost September 12, 2007

I don't know you B.J., but I do know your sis, Kayla, and I'm sure ur just like her.  I wish I could've gotten to know you.  I know that ur greatly missed by your whole family.  Just sitting here listening to this music and looking over this site, it makes me feel as if I knew you somewhat, and so now my heart aches a little and I feel like crying as if I knew you.  I'm sure that you're watching down on your family and every you knew. 



To Kayla, the rest of the family, and B.J.'s friends:  


I'm sorry for your lost.  I know you'll always miss him.  I'm sure that he's watching you all though, and smile everytime you do something really awesome and good.  I know it's hard without your beloved B.J., and I'm sure you wonder why God took him away, but He did it for a reason that you may never find out.  God may have taken him away, but He'll help you through your sadness and heartaches.  B.J. is in a better place where he'll have no worries, hurts, or troubles.  I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as well as B.J.  God loves you all, and so does B.J.  Never forget that.

Kathy Couch God Saw You September 8, 2007

God saw you getting tired

and a cure was not to be,

so He put his arms around you

And whispered "Come to Me".

With tearful eyes we watched you,

and saw you pass away,

and though we loved you dearly,

we could not make you stay,

A golden heart stopped beating,

gentle hands were put to rest.

God broke our hearts to prove to us....

HE ONLY TAKES THE BEST...........................

I found this when my brother passed and I wonted to share it with you. God does take the best.

Jane,mom to Scott Matthew Hill Here's a big hug & welcome September 8, 2007

Hey BJ,

I'm delighted to see your new home and how beautiful it is. I'm so glad to have you in our neighborhood. I know you still own your other site and I'll go to visit you there also, but having you so close is wonderful!

It's heart warming to see that your new site was dedicated to our angel Angelica. She will most definitely be smiling down on you and welcoming you also.... but then, I think you've probably already met each other and are watching over all of us moms here struggling along without you.

Dear BJ, it's a blessing to share our loss with your sweet mother who reaches out in love for all of us and helps so very much with our sorrow.

I'll be back very often to light candles and to watch as your new site is being built.

God Bless you always BJ and your little sibs, Wayne & Buck. I know you're together now forever.

Sending love & hugs to all of you.


Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight Cindy, My Friend September 8, 2007

Dear Cindy,

Your boys new site is beautiful! And this song...I haven't heard it in a long time, and I have goose bumps. I had to listen to it from beginning to end. I realize not only what our boys are to each other in heaven but also what their Mama's mean to each other here. We will hold each others hand as we celebrate our angels, share our angels, and cry for our angels. But when we meet in heaven, we will continue to hold each others hands, as we celebrate our eternal lives with our boys. It is so hard to imagine what that life will be like, it is just that good, and that is the light at the end of this tunnel we will travel together. I love you and know I am always here for you.



Mama Your Memory Site September 6, 2007

Hey Buddy, I've set you up another Memory site. I hope you like it. Kayla and Sarah are going to manage it.

It was given in memory of a beautiful young lady name Angelica Hatchell, I'm sure you know her. Tell her that her Mama is my special friend and I love her.

I love you Buddy, tell Wayne and Buck I love them too. Love, Mama

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