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Oh Buddy, I sit here and look at you pictures and my heart just breaks. I miss you so much every minute of every day. I still can't believe you're not ever coming back. How are we suspose to keep on going without you? You know how much I love your brother and sisters but B.J. a part of me is gone and it's so hard. I want you here with us where you belong. I know Heaven is wonderful and you're so happy but our hearts ache for you all the time. Why did it have to be this way? Why didn't the Lord heal you here and let us keep you for a long long time? I miss you so much Buddy. I miss everything about you. Everything! I went to Brooks wedding shower today and all I could think about is I will never see you get married. I'll never see you raise a family. I'll never be a Gee-Maw to your children. I know in Heaven none of that will matter anymore, but Buddy I'm not in Heaven yet and it matters to me now. Kayla, Sarah and Johnathan need their big brother here to take care of them. Amanda needs her little brother here to boss and love. Elijah needs his uncle B.J. to help him know how to grow up into a wonderful young man. Dad needs his son and I need my Buddy. How could Heaven have possibly needed you more than us?

I love you Buddy, I always have, I always will.

Love, Mama

Kathy Couch

I had to come back and tell you how much I love this site. It is so so so pretty and I can put my pictures that I borrowed Ha ! Love Kathy


Kathy Couch

I remember the first time I meet you guys. It was our first candle light service.Our pain was so deep that being we both had just lost our angels. Who would have thought four years later we would still be there for each other. We have seen alot come and go but we still hanging in there and draw strength from each other.Yes, friends are friends forever. We share one important thing OUR ANGELS !

God it is so so very hard sometimes but I know They are OK! So I can make it another day with friends like you guys.Love You very much Kathy

Kayla Outlaw

I remember all the times that me and B.J. and Daniel (our cousin) would hang out and just go walking around town or ride bikes. One time we went riding bikes and got a little carried away and rode almost 5 miles out of town. Then I had to be a little tattle tale and told my mom where we had been and needless to say, we did get in a little bit of trouble, but we did have fun doing it!

This memorial site was created in memory of Bobby Jack Outlaw II who was born in Fort Worth, Texas on May 17, 1984 and passed away on December 1, 2003 in Waco, Texas at the age of 19 yrs. My brother was like any other guy, he enjoyed basketball, football, street hocky, and yes even volley ball! Although his bones were not strong he loved playing around! He always had a positive attitude and even a hospital bed could not hold him. He was always giving people rides in his Orange Glitter Bug, as we called it. He sang on the praise team at church and now his sister Kayla has taken his mic and sings not in his place but in his memory. B.J. absolutely loved going toilet papering with a variety of friends! Two friends stick out more than any, Henry Vance and Stephanie Drake. They always had so much fun. My brother was always doing something crazy to get a laugh out of everyone. Having a postitive attitude all the time was like breathing to my brother. He never turned anyone down, no matter what the situation was, he always made extra time to tend to the needs and wants of others. On the Monday morning that was to be my brothers last, he was still in a better mood than I have seen many of people to be in. B.J. is not here now but I know that one day we will see him again! His mama and daddy miss him so much and love him with all their heart. His three sisters, Amanda is now out on her own with Chris and their baby Elijah, Kayla has her own house now and is trying to make the best of things, and his youngest sister Sarah keeps up with school, church and other activities. B.J.'s only living little brother Johnathan is grwoing up so fast and is finally in school. In heaven with B.J. are his two little twin brothers Wayne and Buck who we are all ready to see as well! B..J., Wayne, and Buck are missed and loved very much every day! Yes they are gone but not forgotten!

Buddy we miss you!

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