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Mama 12 years too long. 12/1/2015 December 1, 2015
Buddy it's been 12 years today since the Lord called you home. I miss you so much. What I would give if things could have been different.
Love you forever, Mama 
Mama Happy Thanksgiving 11/26/2015much. Happy Thanksgiv November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving boys, I sure wish you were here. Love, Mama
Mama Johnathan's 14th Birthday 11/22/2015 November 23, 2015
Yesterday was Johnathan's birthday. Can you believe he's already 14 years old? I don't know where time has gone. All I do know is I wish you were still here.
Love, Mama 
Mama Memorial Tree 11/17/2015 November 18, 2015
Boys, tonight we decorated the memorial trees in the mall with our children's (and other family members) ornaments. A way to help keep your memories alive and as a way of keeping you close during the holidays. I asked Dooley to go with Johnathan and I and he did. I so appreciated him for it and even more so because I know he didn't have to go and I know it's not something he would ordinarily (for lack of knowing a better word to use) enjoy doing. He helped hang many of the ornaments on the trees and he told me later that he took the time to read every name...that touched my heart. And when he brought us home he thanked me for allowing him to be a part of it. THAT touched my heart as well.
Mama Lala's Birthday 11/12/2015 November 18, 2015
Sure wish you were here.
Mama My Ring 10/31/2015 November 18, 2015
I said yes...<3 
Mama See-Tee's Birthday 9/21/2015 November 18, 2015
Sure wish you were here.
Mama Johnathan is in 8th grade...8/24/2015 August 24, 2015
Well Buddy can you believe your little brother is an 8th grader? Man he's growing up. Today was the first day of school. He wore one of your shirts. Doesn't he look handsome? He looks so much like you. Oh how I wish you were here B.J. We miss you so much.
Mama Johnathan's first Youth Trip 8/4/2015 August 6, 2015
Johnathan went on his first youth trip out of state. He went to Oklahoma. He's sure enjoying it. 
Mama It's Done 7/8/2015 July 8, 2015
Well boys as you already know mine and Dad's divorce became final today. I'm sorry if I'm a disappointment to y'all but this was a long time in coming and it's what needed to be. We need to have a chance to be happy.
Love, Mama 
Mama Happy 4th of July 7/4/2015 July 4, 2015
Happy 4th of July boys, I love you. This is a short video of Dooley popping firecrackers with Johnathan. It was so funny. I so wish you were here.
Love, Mama 
Mama Love Notes to Heaven 5/19/2015 May 19, 2015
Watch for your balloons boys.
Mama Happy 31st Birthday B.J. 5/17/2015 May 17, 2015
Buddy it was just Johnathan and I celebrating your birthday with your birthday pie today but we made sure to include you in it the best we could. Later Dooley came over and had a slice too. I wish you could have known him. You would love him, he's such a nice man and he's the best friend I've ever had.
I hope you're having your chocolate pudding pie in Heaven today. Love you bunches, Mama
Mama Mother's Day 5/10/2015 May 10, 2015
I sure wish you were here.
Mama Happy Easter 4/5/2015 April 5, 2015
Boys, sometimes I sit and think of what I've been through in life and when I do it's then that I realize more than ever just how much I've had to depend on the Lord. He really is the reason I can face my tomorrows. He is faithful Always and All Ways.
Happy Easter boys, I love you and miss you so much.
Love, Mama 
Mama Happy St Patrick's Day! 3/17/2015 March 17, 2015
Happy St Patrick's Day boys, oh how I wish you were here.
Mama Amanda's 32nd birthday 3/3/2015 March 3, 2015
Today was Manna's birthday, I hope y'all let her feel you near.
Mama Valentines Day 2/14/2015 February 14, 2015
Happy Valentines Day boys, I love you and miss you so much. Oh how I wish you were here.
Love, Mama 
Mama Happy Birthday Boys...1/26/2015 January 26, 2015
Happy Birthday Wayne and Buck, I love you and miss you both so much. It's hard to believe you would be 29 years old now. Sure wish you were here.
Love, Mama 
Mama It's happened...1/16/2015 January 16, 2015
Daddy is gone...it's just me and Johnathan now.
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