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B.J.'s LegacySpecial Memories of ...Special Memories of ...Special Memories of ...Wayne and BuckMama's PoemsMama and DaddyAmandaKaylaSarahJohnathanElijah (nephew)Ian (nephew)
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Mama You're Great Uncles! 2/16/2014 February 16, 2014
Little Xoie Nikole was born this morning. Y'all are now great Uncles! Born 2/16/14 @ 9:01am, 7.2 lbs, & 19 1/2 inches!
Mama Happy Valentine's Day Boys 2/14/2014 February 14, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day boys, I love you all so much.
Love, Mama
Mama Saying Goodbye 2/1/2014 February 2, 2014
Saying my final goodbye to Aubrey until the day comes I can say hello again. I sure miss him.
Mama Happy 28th Birthday Wayne and Buck 1/26/2014 January 26, 2014
My sweet Wayne and Buck,
If you would have gotten to stay here with us you would have been 28 years old tomorrow...January 26th. Where have all those years gone? In my heart it seems like yesterday that Daddy and I were looking forward to y...ou being born. How excited we were to be having twins. We had so many hopes and dreams. We could only imagine what it would be like to have twins. And sadly our imagination is all we were allowed to have. For some unknown reason we weren't allowed to keep you with us. Oh I know you're safe and loved where you are with Jesus but I so wish it could have been different. We never got to hold you and whisper words of love in your little ears. We never got to see your first smiles or hear your giggles. We didn't get to count your little toes and make sure they were all there or play the little piggy toe game with you. We missed out on seeing you learn to crawl and take your first steps. There were never any tiny arms wrapped around our necks or good night kisses. No stemless flowers were ever brought to your Mama for me to say how beautiful they were. We didn't get to see you off to school or beam with pride over all your accomplishments. Never had a birthday party. We never got to kiss a boo boo and make it better. We never got to see you run and play or ride a bike or throw a ball or run through mud puddles...all those special little things that little boys do. Daddy didn't get to teach you how to change a flat or work on a car. He didn't get to teach you how to hammer a nail in or use his tools. We weren't allowed to see you grow up and find your first girl friends or get your drivers license or graduate from high school. We didn't get to see you get married and have a family of your own and there will never be grandbabies from either of you boys. The list could go on and on and yet we missed it all. That's the part I don't understand and I don't guess I ever will. I can't help but wonder what you would look like. Would you look exactly like each other or would you look completely different? Would you have brown hair like your brothers and sisters? Would your eyes be blue like mine and your Dad's or would they have been another color? Would you be tall or short? Heavy or thin? Would you have a dark complexion or be fair skinned? What would your personalities be like? Would you be outgoing or more reserved? Would you be like the rest of the family and love to laugh? I would think so. So many questions that will always be without answers simply because it wasn't meant to be. But one thing I am sure of my sweet boys and that is that you are loved and have always been and will always be. The fact that you were born into Heaven never made us love you any less. It never made you any less our children. I will forever tell people I have 7 beautiful children because I do. Happy birthday my sweet boys. Make sure B.J. helps you celebrate big and you three boys give each other big hugs for Mama and Daddy...big and tight enough for us to feel them here. I love you boys forever and always.
Love, Mama
B.J., Wayne and Buck Happy Birthday Mama 1/19/2014 January 19, 2014
Happy birthday Mama, we love you!
Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck
Mama Tribute for Les 1/16/2014 January 19, 2014
This is a tribut for Les from his boys...it's beautiful. He passed away on January 16th 2014.

Mama Happy New Year 2014 January 1, 2014
Happy New Year boys, I love you and miss you so much. I'd give anything to have you still here with me but I know it's not possible. So until I can be there with you keep watching for me. Someday I will...♥
Mama Spending Christmas with Jesus December 25, 2013
I bet Heaven is beautiful at Christmas time.
Mama Almost Christmas 12/22/2013 December 22, 2013
B.J. it's almost Christmas again. This will be the 11th one without you. Buddy no matter how much time has gone by and no matter how much healing has came to my heart I still miss you with every part of my being. Sometimes when I allow myself to get lost in my thoughts the pain still feels so fresh and reality almost takes my breath away. Because of that I can't allow it to happen too often or I would sink to a place of total despair that I might never be able to climb back o...ut of. Still it threatens to over take me.
I know you're happy and healthy. And I know some day I will see you again. I am not without HOPE. And I am not without FAITH. But I am a Mama that is without her child here. Without 3 of my children here. A Mama with a broken heart that will never be completely whole again this side of Heaven. Sometimes I think I just can't keep going...but I have to. I have your brother and sisters that still needs me. I have your Daddy that still needs me even if I often think he doesn't. I have the grandbabies that still need me. And yes, maybe even some friends that still need me. So until the Lord decides it's my turn then I know here is where I belong and here is where I must stay. But Buddy...would ya mind telling him I could use a little extra something (I don't even know what I need) to get me through these days...and nights? The nights are the worse. Maybe a little extra comfort. Maybe a little more courage. Maybe a few more hugs. Maybe a hand to hold or a heart to listen. Maybe something or someone to help dry the tears. Maybe He could help dry the tears on the inside...those hurt my heart more than anything else. Like I said, I don't really know what I need but He does so could you ask him for me? Big Sigh...and a Deep Breath...ok I'll be ok. Do me one more favor please. Hug your little brothers Wayne and Buck for me and y'all remind each other how much your Mama loves you. Ok? Thank you B.J. I love you so much and I miss you just the same. Holding you boys close to my heart always and forever. Love, Mama
Mama Wave of Lights 12/8/2013 December 8, 2013
Your candles will burn bright at the Wave of Lights tonight...♥
Mama It's been 10 years since you left...12/1/2013 December 1, 2013

You Ask Me How I'm Doing

You ask me how I'm doing,

I answer with "I'm fine."

What I'd really like to say though,

Is I think I've lost my mind.

Won't you take a moment

To see my hurt and pain?

To know my life's been shattered

And will never be the same.

I've lost someone I love so much,

It's just too hard to bare.

Is there someone to understand me?

Someone to say they care?

Will you take some time and cry with me?

Will you share in my great sorrow?

Can you somehow help me find a way

That I can face tomorrow?

Do you know that when my B.J. died

A part of me died too?

A piece of me is missing,

And I don't know what to do.

I don't expect to hear you say,

"I know just how you feel."

Just tell me that you miss him too,

And pray our hearts will heal.

Can you tell me that you're sorry,

And what he meant to you?

Somehow this burden may be lightened,

If the pain is borne by two.

Mama It's been 10 years since you left...12/1/2013 December 1, 2013
Completeness of a life is not measured in length only, it is measured in the deeds and commitments that give a life purpose.
Your life held much purpose B.J. You may not have changed the world...but you sure changed the world for me.
Love, Mama
In loving memory of my oldest son B.J. Forever loved and missed. Never forgotten.
Bobby Jack Outlaw II
May 17, 1984 - December 1, 2003
Mama Happy Thanksgiving...11/28/2013 November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving boys, I love you and miss you so much. I so wish you were here. I lit this candle for you and it sat on the table. It had a flame for each of you boys. Sarah had to work and Kayla spent the day with David's parents. It's sad that we can't all be together for the holidays but I guess it's the way it has to be.
Love, Mama
Mama Happy 12th Birthday Johnathan! 11/22/2013 November 22, 2013
Today your little brother turned 12 years old. It's so hard to believe. I sure wish you could have been here.
Love, Mama
Mama Ornaments 11/19/2013 November 20, 2013
We got your ornaments hung on the tree in the mall last night. I'm glad we have that to do but I would still rather have you here.
Love, Mama
Mama Lala's 26th birthday. 11/12/20013 November 12, 2013
I love you boys. Thank you for sending Lala an "I love you" penny for her birthday. Oh how I wish you were here.
Love, Mama
Mama Little Lily's 1st Birthday 9/21/2013 September 21, 2013
Your bitty neice Lily turned one year old today. I sure wish you were here.
Love, Mama
Mama Sarah's 20th Birthday 9/21/2013 September 21, 2013
So hard to believe your little sister is now older than you were when you left. Oh how I wish you were here.
Love, Mama
Mama Elijah Bug is 7 years old now...9/2/2013 September 2, 2013
Your 'lil nephew Elijah Bug is 7 years old now...so hard to believe.
Mama Elijah Bug started 1st grade today. 8/26/2013 September 2, 2013
Elijah Bug started 1st grade today...he's growing up so fast.
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