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Mama Melodies from Heaven August 7, 2012
Melodies from Heaven rain down on me...♥
Mama Ian's 3rd Birthday July 31, 2012
I sure wish you could have been here to watch your nephew grow up. Life is just so different than we expected.
Love, Mama
B.J., Wayne and Buck Happy Anniversay Mama and Daddy! July 24, 2012
Happy Anniversay Mama and Daddy!
Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck
B.J., Wayne and Buck Happy Birthday Dad! July 21, 2012
Happy Birthday Dad! We love you!!!
Mama Our Trip to Michigan July 21, 2012
I'll come back later and tell you about it.
Mama Happy 4th of July July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of July boys...I love you!
Love, Mama
Mama My boys...♥ July 2, 2012

Wayne and Buck

All your kids...♥ Happy Father's Day Dad! June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day Dad. We love you!
Love you forever, Amanda, B.J., Wayne, Buck, Kayla, Sarah and Johnathan
Mama Kayla and David' Wedding 6/3/12 June 3, 2012
Well Kayla and David got married today...sure hope you were watching. Love, Mama
Mama Sarah's Graduation May 25, 2012 May 25, 2012
Getting ready to go see Sarah Beth graduate. It's so hard to believe this day is here yet reality is about to get the best of me. I'm so proud of her. Big I wish you could be here to see your little sister graduate. Always a touch of sadness even in the occasions that bring joy.
Mama The Awards Ceremony May 24, 2012
Today Elijah Bug had his award program for PreK and Johnathan had his for 4th grade. Oh how I wish you were here.
Love, Mama
Mama Senior 2012 May 20, 2012
Today was Sarah's Baccalareate...sure wish you were here.
Love, Mama
Mama Happy Birthday from the Mullins Family 5/17/2012 May 20, 2012
B.J. I got this from Sis. Mullins on your birthday and then they sent the beautiful flowers too. It all means so much to me I wanted to put it into a graphic to keep for always...♥

Happy Birthday BJ! I Remember when I gave you this dollar ...and told you to keep it forever to remember me, well you kept it as long as you could and now Mom has given it back to me. And it and this beautiful rose you made me and the dolphin windchime you brought me from Galveston are some of my favorite treasures. Gone too soon from this world but carried always in our hearts and memories.
Mama Happy 28th Birthday B.J. 5/17/2012 May 17, 2012
Happy Birthday B.J. Oh how I wish you were here...we miss you so much. Here's your chocolate pudding pie I made you. I sure wish you were here to help us enjoy it.
Love, Mama

Mama Love Notes to Heaven 5/15/2012 May 15, 2012
B.J. I love you and miss you so much. Oh how I wish you were still here or that Jesus would hurry and call us all home in the rapture. Life just keeps going and I miss you more and more. Your birthday is coming on Thursday. Oh I wish I could spend it with you. It's hard to believe you would be turning 28 now. Happy Birthday...I know it'll be wonderful for you in Heaven. Make sure your little brothers help you celebrate big. I'll be making a chocolate pudding pie for you like you always wanted. I just wish you could eat it with us.
Buddy I know I need to trust Jesus but I sure can't understand why he called you home instead of healing you and letting you stay here. Please remember I love you and I miss you and I'll see you just as soon as the Lord will let me. Give Wayne and Buck a hug for me and tell them I love and miss them too.
I hope you like your balloon.
Love forever, Mama
Sweet Wayne and Buck I love and miss you both so much. How I long for the day that I get to see you. I can't help but wonder what you would be like now. Please know I love you and I'll see you just as soon as Jesus will let me.
Be sure and help B.J. celebrate big for his birthday on Thursday and tell him I said happy birthday and give him a hug and tell him I love and miss him so much.
I hope y'all like your balloons.
Love forever, Mama
B.J., Wayne and Buck Happy Mother's Day Mama...We Love You! 5/13/2012 May 13, 2012

Mama For my sweet Wayne and Buck...♥ 5/8/2012 May 8, 2012
Sweet boys if Mama had carried you full term chances are today would have been your birthday as it's the day you were due 26 years ago. I'm so sorry I had you too soon. I wanted you so much. I miss you every day and long for the day we can be together again.
Love you forever, Mama
Mama It's a girl! 5/7/2012 May 7, 2012
Lala just told me her baby is a girl!!!
Mama What If You Were Me? 5/7/2012 May 7, 2012
What If You Were Me?

What if you were me?

What if you were my husband?

What if you were the Mom or Dad of 7 beautiful

children and you now have 3 of them living in Heaven?

Would the remaining 4 take the place of the 3 that were gone?

What if it were Mother's Day and your heart was breaking

because you can't spend it with all your children?

What if it was Father's Day and you couldn't?

What if it was their birthday and you long to spend

it with them but you can't?

What if it were any holiday and they weren't there?

What if you want so badly to hear their name spoken

but you only hear silence?

What if years went by and you miss them more than ever

yet most think it's time you get over it?

What if you were the one that gets chosen to cry yourself

to sleep every night?

What if every area of your life was touched by grief and you

were the one that felt so out of control?

What if you wanted to feel better and live life the way

you once did and you couldn't figure out how to do that?

What if you were the one that saw your child's friends grow

up and have families and all you had were memories?

"If" is a big word isn't it?
Mama Another Butterfly 5/5/2012 May 7, 2012
Another brown butterfly decided to stay hanging around at 'lil Antonio's birthday party in the park. I took a couple of pictures of it in my hand but they didn't turn out because my cell phone camera has a mind of it's on. But I did get a couple of good ones anyway.Laughing
Total Memories: 616
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