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B.J.'s LegacySpecial Memories of ...Special Memories of ...Special Memories of ...Wayne and BuckMama's PoemsMama and DaddyAmandaKaylaSarahJohnathanElijah (nephew)Ian (nephew)
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Mama Happy Valentine's Day B.J. 2/14/12 February 14, 2012
I love you so much!
Love, Mama
Cindy Outlaw Sarah said yes...2/2/2012 February 3, 2012
Well boys your little sister Sarah is growing up. Last night Melvin asked her to marry him and she said yes. Oh how I wish you were here.
Love, Mama

Cindy Outlaw You're Uncles Again 1/30/2012 February 3, 2012
Well boys you're going to be Uncles again. Kayla told us Monday that her and David are expecting a little one...due on Sept. 28, 2012. Oh how I wish you were here!
Love, Mama
Mama Happy 26th Birthday Wayne and Buck January 26, 2012
Happy 26th Birthday Wayne and Buck. I love you and miss you so much. Oh how I wish I could spend it with you. Make sure Bubba helps you celebrate big and all three of you boys hug each other for me.
Love, Mama

B.J., Wayne and Buck Happy Birthday Mama 1/19/2012 January 19, 2012
Happy Birthday Mama, we love you so much. We know you wish we coud be there with you. Please know we are...just close your eyes and you'll feel us with you always.
Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck
Mama Lala's getting married...12/31/11 January 5, 2012
David asked Kayla to marry him right before midnight on New Years Eve. She's so happy and I'm happy for her. I just wish you were here.
Love, Mama

Mama Happy New Year 2012 January 1, 2012
Happy New Years boys. I love you all so much. Love, Mama
Mama Our Christmas Picture 2011 December 29, 2011
Isn't this picture Lala had done for us beautiful? She took it in front of your wall and had Scooty to hold the picture of you. Then she had it put onto a 10X13 canvas for us for Christmas. I love it!
Mama Christmas 2011 December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas Boys!
Mama Your Candles Burn Bright December 11, 2011
We went to the Wave of Lights tonight. Your candles will burn bright always.
Love, Mama
Cindy Outlaw Rose from Mack and Debra 12/1/11 December 6, 2011
Look at the beautiful rose your Uncle Mack and Aunt Debra sent us for your 8th angel day. Isn't it beautiful? They really touched our hearts by remembering you B.J.
Love, Mama
Cindy Outlaw Flowers from Brother and Sister Mullins 12/1/11 December 6, 2011
Buddy aren't these flowers Brother and Sister Mullins sent us on you 8th angel day beautiful. They are always so sweet to remember you and us and for that we are so thankful.
Love, Mama
8 years too long 12/1/11
B.J. you've been gone 8 years today and Buddy that's too long. I miss you so much. Life goes on and takes me with it but I only miss you more and more with each day that passes. Please ask Jesus to help me get through this day...the memories of that last day weighs so heavy on my heart I want nothing more than to go to bed and sleep the day away but I can't.
I love you B.J. Always remember that. And keep watching for me cause some day the Lord will call us all home and I'll be there just as soon as I can. Make sure you're watching for me.
Love, Mama
Johnathan's 10th Birthday 11/22/11

Happy 10th Birthday to the best little brother we could ever have. We love you so much Scooty!

Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck

Note from Sister Mullins 11/19/11
Remembering BJ- he brought me this dolphin wind chime from Galveston and it hangs by my kitchen sink, every time I bump it (which is quite often) it's chimes bring him to mind and I stop to say "hello BJ!"
Not from your Aunt Debra 11/18/11

Cindy. Now that i have some peaceful time, i just want you to know that i always think about BJ and you and i always said i don't know ur pain, but that i was sure it was a great aching pain. And i hoped i would never know it. I came very close a couple of week's ago, and the pain and ache i felt was horrible. So i can't even imagine yours, i will say it has made me realize a few thing, and one of those is how bad you must really hurt, know that i am praying for GOD to give you peace. not that he let you forget that could never happen but that he send peace for you..and i want you to know i love your family i will never forget... And i alway's thinking about you on the 1st of December
And i'm sure it never get's easier

Memorial Tree 11/15/11

Here's your ornaments on the Angel Memorial tree in the Mall. We'll have our Wave of Lights around the tree in December.♥

Happy 24th Birthday Kayla 11/12/11

Happy Birthday Kayla, we love you!

Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck

Mama's Watching and Waiting

I'm watching and waiting boys for the day Jesus finally lets us all come live there with you. I can't wait...I miss you so much.

Love, Mama

Brown Butterfly 10/13/11

Last week I was taking Johnathan to Brownwood for his counseling and we stopped to get gas. This brown butterfly landed on his shoe and just sat there. Then it got on his leg for a minute then the car tire. Finally Johnathan got it in his hand so I could take a picture of it. As soon as I got the picture it fluttered away. Brown butterflies are one of our signs from B.J. and it was perfect timing...Johnathan needed it.
Gotta love our sign from you B.J. Everyone always talks about these pretty little colorful butterflies that come fluttering around and I get a brown one that seems to like to peg me in the head! lol Only you B.J. The first time one came to visit I was sitting at a stop sign with my window down and it pegs me in the head and then sits on my car door for about 30 seconds before flying away. I've seen one often since then. Several times when I've been having a hard day I go outside and here comes my brown butterfly pegging me in the head and flying away. You always had such a sense of humor and it hasn't stopped. You know how to get Mama's attention don't you?
I love you so much...
Love, Mama


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