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B.J.'s LegacySpecial Memories of ...Special Memories of ...Special Memories of ...Wayne and BuckMama's PoemsMama and DaddyAmandaKaylaSarahJohnathanElijah (nephew)Ian (nephew)
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Happy Father's Day Dad!

We Love you Daddy!

I love you Dad!


Your Mama has gone crazy!

Boys I know ya'll got a good laugh over our Fashion Show we put on for Sister Mullins birthday party. They saw a side of your Mama I've never let any of them see. It was fun though.

Love you bunches, Mama

Your little sister Kayla

Look boys, I'm bringing you a picture of your little sister Kayla. She's getting big with the baby! You will be new uncles before long. Oh how I wish you were here.

Love, Mama


B.J. you know Sarah left out for camp this morning. Well they left here and went to the church to get the van and I thought they had already headed out when here she came running in the house like a wild girl. I asked her what she was doing and she said i have to find Honks. Remember him? That funny little goose you gave her that last trip you made to Tenn. with the youth. She still sleeps with him and she takes him with her on every trip away from home. That in itself tells me how much she loves and misses you B.J. She needs her big brother here with her....

Please watch over her at camp this week and ask Jesus to take care of her for me. You know how I worry anyway and her stomach has been bothering her this week. I bet it's just nerves but still I worry.

I love you Buddy and I misss you more every day.

Love, Mama

Johnathan's Car

B.J. your little brother went to Wal Mart last night and bought himself a new car with the money he's been saving. It's a Dodge Viper. That boy drives like a wild man! He wanted me to take a picture of him in it to put here for you.

Love you, Mama


Your silly little sister!

B.J. I just thought you would get a kick out of Sarah and her friend Sara Slaughter...you remember her right? Aren't they funny?

Love you, Mama

Johnathan's Reading Award

Sharing another one!

Love, Mama

Your little brother Johnathan

Hey Buddy I just thought I'd share Johnathan's report card with you. I think he did good. How about you?

Love, Mama

Johnathan's Award

Hey Buddy I just wanted to bring Johnathan's Award here for you to see. Aren't you proud of your little brother?

Love, Mama

Love Notes to Heaven

My notes I'm sending to heaven in your balloons today...

B.J. yours is turquoise...Wayne your is purple...and Buck yours is yellow..

Hi Buddy, I love you. B.J. I miss you so much. Time keeps going and my heart still breaks for you always. I will never get over you not being here. Please continue to ask Jesus to comfort and heal our broken hearts...life will never be the same without you. No matter how much time goes by you will always live in my heart and memory and no one and nothing will ever take that away from me. I hope you like the balloon and I hope you feel all the love I'm sending with it.

Love you forever and always, Mama

Hi my sweet Wayne & Buck, I love both of you so much. I miss so much the fact that I never got the chance to know you like I should have. But some day my sweet little ones, in Heaven we will have our time. Until then just know I think of you always and I'll never stop loving and missing you. I hope you like your balloons and I hope you feel all the love I'm sending with them.

Love forever and always, Mama


Happy 25th Birthday B.J.

Happy Birthday B.J.

We love you so much!

Love, Mama, Daddy, Sarah and Johnathan

Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday to B.J.

Happy Birthday to You!

God's Blessings on You,

God's Blessings on You,

God's Blessings on B.J.

God's Blessings on You!

Here's your Chocolate Pudding Pie and Dr Pepper!



Buddy we went out and redid your grave for you for your birthday. It looks real nice for you. I so wish it didn't have to be this way.

Love, Mama

B.J.'s 25th Birthday...You're Invited!

In loving memory of our son and brother...

B.J. Outlaw II 5-17-84 ~ 12-1-03


You are invited to share in our celebration of B.J.'s 25th birthday on Sunday May 17th 2009. Our family will be having his favorite pizza for lunch (pepperoni) after Church on Sunday and then we'll have his all time favorite...Chocolate Pudding Pie. This is where the invitation comes in. We're asking that anyone that would like to join us in remembering B.J. and celebrating his life to make a pie in his memory and enjoy it for him. (We would love to be told if you do but if it's not something you can do...just to know you've thought about him is enough.)

Hugs, Cindy & family


Sharing a memory...

B.J. wasn't a sweet eater but he absolutely loved the chocolate pudding pies and would eat as much as (Mama) would let him have. All of his teenage years that's what he wanted for his birthday instead of a cake. And he wanted them for Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as any other time he could talk me into making him one...which wasn't hard to do. I remember him telling his little brother Johnathan that if he would ask for one for his birthday too that they would always be guaranteed at least four of them a year...their birthdays, Christmas and Thanksgiving.. He was so silly but oh so much fun. 

Thank you in advance if this is something you can or will do. And thank you for understanding this Mama's need to remember her Best Buddy in the Whole World.


Chocolate Pudding Pie


1 large box Jello Instant Chocolate Pudding

2 1/2 cups cold milk


Mix according to directions on box and pour into

large (he liked the extra servings) graham cracker

pie crust. Cover with cool whip and eat as much

as you can get away with!


Sounds delicious...I'm making a cake tonight that has chocolate pudding and cool whip so we'll definitely have to try the pudding pie! ;-) ~Emelita
Sinjin will be making the pie and we will enjoy every bite for your BJ.
Much love
Sinjin and Lorna

What a wonderful way to remember B. J. He and Brandi had something in common.....Brandi LOVED Chocolate pudding pie too. Hope they are having some on his special day in Heaven. Thanks for sharing it. I sure miss our memory-of sites and lighting candles. I hope they get them up and running again soon.
Take care my friend and thanks so much for sharing the news of B. J.'s 25 birthday with us.
Love, Marguerite
Dear folks--
So glad to get B.J.'s picture! We've already been thinking about him and you guys. Please spend the day just laughing and remembering ALL the good times. B.J. was a fun-loving fella, and he'll be looking down laughing with you...
Peace and love to you all--
Leonard and Rhonda
MMMMM! I like BJ's thinking on lining up at least four of those chocolate pies a year! Oh, Cindy, I love his sense of humor - just the way he thinks!
I'm going to make a pie, but I don't know if I'll be able to by Sunday because we are going out of town. I'm going to do it, though, and I've made a note to myself. I'll keep you posted.
In the mean time, please know I'm going to be thinking of you and remembering you all and BJ this weekend and keeping you in my prayers.
Awww...Cindy! Well Frank & I have dinner plans but we might just have to order a dessert to
share in honor of B.J.'s birthday. Can you imagine all of the chocolate pudding pies in heaven?!?
When I read this earlier I could just see all of B.J.'s friends gathering around and having little
chocolate lips as they all enjoy and celebrate B.J.

Love Ya',

Cindy...I had a mental note on my calendar that Sunday was B.J.'s birthday. I got on the birthday/anniversary the other day to see if I had anyone I knew. I know how the days awaiting birthdays are hard. You will definately be in my thoughts and prayers...B.J.'s pudding pie sounds yummy...I have never had that. I think I will try this Sunday in B.J.'s memory.

Cindy, my husband and I would be honored to share in BJ's birthday, I've printed the recipe out and on Sunday we shall celebrate his day. I will even take a pic of the pie...thank you for inviting us...~Lorraine
Dearest Cindy,
Thank you so much for sending me this wonderful receipe of BJ's favourite dessert. I will certainally be thinking and praying for you all tomorrow for BJ's special day and
when I make the pudding I will be sure to let you know.
I hope you are all doing ok and you are all always in my heart.
Love, hugs and blessings, Maria. xxxxxxxx
We will be having chocolate pie in honor of BJ tomorrow. Thank you for including us in his celebration.....Love Maw Maw Bonnie
Hi Cindy! I just wanted you to know that I probably won't be able to make it to the party because of work and having to go get the boys from their dad's house...BUT, I will make a pie in his memory and enjoy it just as much as he did when you made one for him. :) Chocolate pie is one of my favorites too. :)
Lots of love and hugs to you and your family.
Happy Birthday B.J.!!
Kathy Hunter
We wont be there in person but we want you and Bobby to know that we pray for you & think about B.J.all the time. hope you have a good celebration.
Love, Su, Grammy & Crystal

Aww Cindy my heart breaks for you ... BJ turning 25 that age is printed on my heart as AL was 25 when i lost him .... i am so sorry i wont be able to make chocolate cake as i am out to dinner tomorrow with our 82 year old dad it is Christmas Present (but we are paying for him) but i will be in search of Chocolate Cake and he and you will be with me all day xxx
Love Always, Delia

My daughter Kristen is here this weekend and she loves chocolate pie,So thats what will be having.Just know even though I have been very busy BJ Wayne,Buck you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.
love and hugs

My son will be home tomorrow night from his dad's, I think I will go to the grocery store and make one of B.J.'s pies for my baby boy in memory of your baby boy. Thanks for sharing. Know that I am always thinking of you.
Hi Cindy & Bobby,
Just wanted to let you know that we would be honored to celebrate B.J.'s birthday with you tomorrow. The timing is perfect: Dawn & Chris are both off work tomorrow, and it has been a long time since we have indulged ourselves in a special treat. So this is for a worthy cause,and a truly special occasion. Thank you so much for inviting us. Bobby & Cindy, we will be thinking of you and your family, and keep you in our prayers. B.J.,Happy Birthday! We love you!!!
Always in our hearts, from Bob & Kathy Ogden and the family
 HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY BJ OUTLAWand i did eat Chocolate Cake today for you Bobby
Hey Cindy! I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your sweet angel today! I know that today is a hard one for you, but you are such a strong woman, I know you are going to be alright. :) I love you, ya know.
Happy Birthday BJ!! I hope you are enjoying all that Chocolate Pudding Pie there in heaven. I know it is even better than it is down here. :) You take care, and check in on my little Noah when you get a chance. Maybe you could even share a piece of your pie with him. He loved Chocolate too. :)
Love you all!
Kathy Hunter

Sorry... don't know how to make pudding pie. I know you miss him so, cindy. The feeling of remembering the good times makes you smile at the same time your heart is heavy of longing for him. I love you, cindy!
Cindy, my internet is down at home, but i wanted to let you know that i was thinking of you all and B.J. yesterday. I'm so sorry that i couldnt' get online to let you know before now.
Hugs, Tammy
Sweet sweet Outlaws - You have been in my heart this weekend as you celebrated B J's birthday.
BJ will be happy to know that the chocolate pudding pie is one of my favorite pies as well. I promise to make one of them this coming weekend (Memorial Day) as Christy & I will be driving down to San Antonio to my sister's house as soon as she gets off work Friday.

All my love................


I still don't have a working computer. I am so sorry I missed BJ's 25th Birthday but as always he was in my thoughts and prayers.
Big hugs and lots of love.
Claudia proud mom to ~Rocky~

Oh Cindy, did I like the pie? Let me tell you I was having my 3rd piece just before bed...lol...it will be a dessert I will make again and it will be titled B.J.'s Favorite Dessert.
You are a treasure Cindy,
Hugs, Lorraine
Yes ma'm sure did have pie with B.J.! This was a nice way to honor him! How creative! Thanks for sharing!
Love you! LaFreda
Ahh...you know we would love to be there for the party but we are a long ways from you all. We will deffinately be thinking about you all. We miss B.J. very much and reminisce often.
Love the Leonard clan!!
Sarah's Algebra Award

Hey Buddy, I just wanted to tell you Sarah got an Award for Theater Arts today. Aren't you so proud of her? I know we are!

Love, Mama

Mother's Day 2009


 I sent this to myself from you boys. I know I'm silly but it made me feel good.

Love, Mama

BJWaneBuck.jpg picture by CJO-DEC03


I sure missed having you here for Mother's Day. I missed having Kayla with me too. It all just breaks my heart. I don't understand so much that takes place in life. Amanda came and we all went out to eat. Her and Sarah and Johnathan all agreed that I'm the best Mama ever so that made it special. I just wish I could have had all of my kids with me. It's just not right. I'll love you and miss you forever. Love, Mama
I held you for the first time today...


Oh my sweet babies Wayne and Buck Mama was blessed in such a wonderful way today. I was sitting and just thinking about you and all of a sudden I had this awesome feeling of holding both of you...one in each arm. It was the most wonderful feeling. I closed my eyes and I could see me all those years ago holding you. Oh it was so wonderful because as you know I never got to hold you when you were born. And now 23 years later (two days before Mother's Day) I held you for the first time. Some might think I'm crazy but I know I was given a beautiful gift that I'll remember and treasure in my heart always. The feeling only lasted about 5 minutes but during that time I could feel the pressure of you both resting in my arms. When I could no longer feel the weight of you I was sad but I was so overjoyed to have been given the chance I've longed for for so long that the joy outweighed the sadness. As I thought about it I realized that if I would have carried you full term you would have been born around the 8th of May. Do I find this to be a coincident? Not at all. I believe with all I have in me the Lord allowed me those brief moments to hold my babies close to my heart and I will forever be grateful to Him.
Thank you for coming to me and letting me hold you...my heart needed it. I love my boys so much. I always have and I always will.
Love, Mama

Buddy today is May 5th the 6th anniversary of your kidney transplant. B.J. your Dad wanted so much to make you well...it's why he gave you  one of his kidneys. Oh how I wish it could have turned out different. For a little while it gave you freedom didn't it? We love you and miss you so much. Life will never be the same without you.

Love, Mama


B.J. yesterday Johnathan told me something that made me feel so good. He said they were making Mother's Day books at school for their Mom's and they had to write something in them that their Mom was good at. Johnathan told me he wrote...My Mom is good at loving me. I wanted to cry. I told him he was so sweet and he said well Mama you are good at loving me. Buddy, he loves me like you always have. I'm so proud of him just like I am of you. The Lord blessed me with 7 beautiful and wonderful children. I just wish I could still have all of you here with me.

Love, Mama


B.J. it's so hard to believe that 6 years ago today we went to Galveston to get ready for your Kidney Transplant. So often I still wonder if we made a wrong decision. I know you did well with it for a while and it gave you a freedom you hadn't known in years but Buddy I can't help but wonder. I miss you so much. Life is still so messed up with you not here. Why did it have to turn out this way? Why couldn't Jesus just heal you and let you stay here with us? How can this be what was for the best? I know it's wonderful for you but B.J. it's so hard for the rest of us. We miss you so much. It seems like forever since you've been gone and yet it seems like you were just here. It's so hard for my heart to accept. I love you Buddy, I always have and I always will.

Love, Mama


Look Buddy, I found one of you when you were little helping Dad work on the Bronco. You took all the bolts out of the Transmission for him and you were only 4 years old. What an awesome little helper you were!

Love, Mama

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