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Thanksgiving 2010

Well Buddy this was our 7th Thanksgiving with you not here. I did miss you being here...I always will. But we did enjoy spending the evening with Amanda. Her boys made me smile...I know that made you happy. I also know you and Wayne and Buck had a wonderful time with Jesus. I can't wait until we're all together.

Johnathan and I went out to the cemetary this morning. It was so sad and lonely feeling there. I told Johnathan and later Dad that I was so glad your aren't really there. That you're safe  and warm and happy in Heaven with Jesus. It gave me comfort knowing that. I'll always wish you were here with us but my heart has hope of being with you again someday...another comfort to your Mama's broken heart.

Happy Thanksgiving boys, I love you so much.

Love, Mama

I miss you B.J.

The night before Thanksgiving 7 years ago is when you first got sick B.J. I remember you went and helped Sister Mullins make sure the lights at the Court House were all working because they would be turning them on that night. You didn't care that it was drizzling rain and cold...you were just happy to help as always.

Oh Buddy little did we know that would be the last time you would help...that it would be our last Thanksgiving with you. Never will I get use to you not being here. It's times like tonight that it still feels like yesterday. We miss you so... much. Always know we love you and you will forever be a part of our lives.
Love, Mama
Happy Birthday Johnathan 11/22/2010

Happy 9th Birthday Johnathan

November 22, 2010

We love you Johnathan!












We love you so much!








We hope you have a birthday that's just as special as you are to us.

Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck

Happy 23rd Birthday Kayla 11/12/2010

Wishing our little sister Kayla a Happy 23rd Birthday. We'll love you forever Lala!

Love your big brothers, B.J., Wayne and Buck

Happy 17th Birthday Sarah 9/21/2010

We're wishing our little sister the happiest birthday ever because we know she deserves it. Happy Birthday Sarah Beth, we love you!

Love your big brothers, B.J., Wayne and Buck

Elijah started Pre-K 9/8/2010

Elijah started school on Sept.8 and this is how Amanda said his day began. He was taking his pjs off to get dressed and says "First day of school, here I come". Isn't he just the sweetest little guy? Oh how I wish you were here.

Love, Mama

Happy 4th Birthday Elijah 9/2/10

Today is little Elijah's 4th birthday. Oh how I wish you were here. You would love that little guy so much...of course I know you do anyway. But still...I wish he could know you here. I know all three of you would have been great Uncles...just like your little brother is.

Love, Mama

Jesus is so good. 8/27/2010

I got the sweetest email from an internet friend of mine this morning. She told me that she thinks I'm an amazing woman and she wants to be just like me. I'm so humbled by it...and the tears have been falling since I read her words. No one has ever told me that and my heart is touched in such a way I can't explain it. I know my faults but I also know how much I love the Lord and how much I love people. It's my hearts desire to reach out to people with the love of Jesus and her words have shown me I must be doing something right even if I can't see it myself. Jesus is so good to me.

Love, Mama

For our oldest sister Amanda

Happy Anniversary Amanda and Chris, we hope you have many happy years together.

Love your little brothers B.J. Wayne and Buck

Kayla's 'lil one's Birthday 7/31/2010

Today is your nephew's 1st birthday. It would have been nice to see him on his birthday but some things just can't be. You boys go stay close to him and whisper in his ear just how much we all love him. Thank you...and I love you.

Love, Mama

Your little brother's prayer...
Boys I have to tell you what your little brother did yesterday. I was laying on the couch because my leg was hurting...my left knee isn't so good. Anyway Johnathan came up to me wearing his tool belt full of tools and asked me if there was any work I needed him to do for me. I told him well my leg is hurting so can you just cut it off for me? He looked down at his tools and said...I don't have a saw. I told him then just use your pliers and pinch it off a little at a time. He said ok and out came the pliers and he started pinching on my leg. He was being real easy so all it was doing was tickling my leg. Finally I told him to stop cause I can't stand to be tickled. Then I asked him...why don't you get your anointing oil and just pray for it. The silly kid look around and said...I don't know where my oil is so can I just use spit? lol I told him no you can't use spit! lol Then I said oh well go ahead and use spit if you want to cause my leg needs prayed for. So...he licks his finger...smiles and wipes it across his shirt...then lays his hand on my leg to pray. So I close my eyes and I'm going to pray for it with him. This is what he prayed...Jesus you see Mama's leg is hurting...please make it fall off for her. LOL Open flew my eyes and I said Johnathan what are you doing?!  Don't be asking Jesus to make my leg fall off...he might do it! He said but Mama you told me to cut it off so I was asking Jesus to.
Oh my...I have got to learn to be more careful about what I ask that little boy to do.
Never a dull moment at our house!
Love Mama
Our 28th Anniversary 7/24/2010

Hey boys I just wanted to share something with you since it's mine and your Dad's anniversary. Love Mama


I want to give a Heart Hug to the most wonderful man I know. His name is Bobby Outlaw and he has been my husband for 28 Years on Juli 24th. I don't know a stronger person than him. Twenty five years ago on Bobby's birthday (Juli 21st) our oldest son B.J. was diagnosed with kidney failure. Bobby was there for this young mom that was scared to death. Just 6 months later on Januari 26 1986 we lost our twin sons Wayne and Buck to an early birth. Bobby was there to comfort me even though his loss was as painful as mine. Again almost 9 years ago when our wonderful little boy Johnathan was placed in our lives through adoption. Bobby being the great Dad he is proved that the bonds of love that make a family doesn't require being flesh and blood. During these years he gave me three of the most wonderful and beautiful girls Amanda Kayla and Sarah that any mom would be proud of and I am. On Mei 6 2003 Bobby gave the very gift of life to our son B.J. when he gave him a kidney through kidney transplant. Bobby is a hero in my eyes. It was just a short 7 months later on Dec.12003 that the Lord called our son B.J. home to Heaven at the young age of 19 years. Our world turned upside down. Once again Bobby was there with love and comfort for me all the while suffering just as much as I was. Then on Sept.2 2006 our first born grandson Elijah was born 3 months premature and as we prayed and waited for his tiny body to grow and become stronge Bobby continued to give me the encouragement and hope I needed to trust that all would be well. I know fear must have gripped his heart as it did mine because we both knew what great loss is and knew no one is guaranteed not to suffer this kind of heartache and pain. There are so many more things we've been through together I couldn't possibly list them all here but I think I have shared enough to show what a great man I'm blessed with. Yes we've about made each other crazy more times than either of us want to admit and many times we've wondered if we were going to make it. But I know the Lord knew what He was doing when He brought us together and I'm so thankful he did.

Brother and Sister Lingle

B.J. Brother and Sister Lingle is our new Pastor and Pastor's wife now. You know I love them both so much but letting Brother and Sister Mullins go is just breaking my heart.

Love, Mama

Happy Birthday Dad!


Love, B.J., Wayne and Buck


Simply Pray For Me 7/16/2010

Simply Pray For Me


You think I could do better,
Than I am doing now.
You think if I'd only listen,
You could tell me How.
Why do you pass judgment...
On the outward things you see?
Why not lift me up instead,
And simply pray for me?

You see these shoes that I walk in...
I never chose them to wear.
And at times I do grow weary,
Under this burden I must bare.
So while you feel you hold the answers,
And you tell me how it should be.
Why not call out my name to Jesus,
And simply pray for me?

It's not a lack of Faith I have.
And it's not a lack of Trust.
For I know who my Jesus is.
And to lean on Him is a must.
But still I'm only human.
And this pain is real you see.
So I'm asking you once again my friend.
If you'll simply pray for me?
© Cindy Outlaw
Just sharing a poem I wrote tonight...
A letter from Elijah 7/10/2010

Look at the sweet picture little Elijah sent us today. It was for Gee-maw and Paw-paw. Oh how I wish you were here to know him...he's such a good little guy. But I know you boys watch over him always and I'm glad.

Love, Mama

8 years ago on July 10th

Wow Buddy it's hard to believe that 8 years ago is when we first met with Mary Ann to talk about your kidney transplant. I know there's no good in the what if's but I can't help it. I can't help but think what if we didn't go through with it? Would you still be here with us? My heart tells me no and yet it's my heart that still asks the question. I just miss you so much B.J. What I'd give if I could have you here with me but I don't want you to be sick so Mama will wait...

Love and miss you so much, Mama

Happy 4th of July 2010










Happy Father's Day Dad!

The Merciful Exchanges 6/10/2010
Boys this is something Sarah put together and I think it's great so I wanted to share it with yall. Aren't you just so proud of your little sister? I know I am!
Love, Mama
The Merciful Exchanges
Luke 23:33-34;46
33) And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 34) Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
46) And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

First, God died. We all know that.

Acts 7:25
25) For he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not.

Normally, what we as Christians tend to think is that all people know of Gods delivering power, but very few do. Just because they have God "in their heart," doesn't mean that they know the full extent of His almighty being.
So like in Acts, they didn't know God would deliver them. As Stephen exlained the plan of Moses and the deliverance not only the Hebrews had, it showed how Moses himself was delivered.

Acts 7:35
35) This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.

The Hebrews cried out and God heard them. Just like in Luke 4:18 , Stephen taught of the power and authority God has over the spiritually bound.

Luke 4:18
18) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
Luke 1:68-74

68) Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, 69) And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; 70) As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began: 71) That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; 72) To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; 73) The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, 74) That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,

This is where we see the promises of deliverance. A covenant/oath was like swearing something. In Gods eyes, it was something that could not be broken under any terms.
So we see in Luke that God started his covenant/oath from salvation in Davids house, and blessings from Abrahams.

Matthew 1:21
21) And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

This is our promise! The promise of deliverance. God is our deliverer, and by His birth and the prophesy of His saving grace, it is fufilled.

Hebrews 7:25
25) Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

He is able to save them to the uttermost. Broken down to its origianal form, uttermost becomes utmost, which in Websters Dictionary mean "the greatest or most distant." Guess what? That means you're not too far from God!!

Romans 6:8-14
8) Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: 9) Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10) For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. 11) Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. 12) Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. 13) Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. 14) For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

When we come to God, nothing else matters but our relationship with Him! In verse 14 it specifically says "For sin shall not have dominion over you..."

Ezra 9:8
8) And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.

So many people are bound with the things of this world. From X-Box, to music, to lust, to drugs, depression, or many other things. If it takes away from time with God, you're bound. Ezra 9:8 clearly states that the nails put into Gods hands was so that we would not be held down by the things of this world, but by His word.

Gods exchange with us is simple. He went to the cross with our eternal guarentee to hell. He put His time, love, energy, but most importantly His life into our unmerciful hands. This was His choice, and now our eternity is secured by the nails and crown of thorns that held Him to the cross. This is our deliverance. Our promise. But God rose. His resurrection exemplifies the way we should exploit ourselves to this world. Yes, we get bound and we fall, but by the loving grace of God, and with His helping hands, we may rise. We may overcome.
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